Monday, January 7, 2019

Sogu - PlugX Malware Detection

Full Code Repository:

import-module SoguFileSearch.ps1
ShowFileNames         Displays a list of all possible Sogu log filenames generated for each drive.

CustomSerial          1. Displays a list of all possible Sogu log filenames generated based on the 
                      Serial Number provided by the user. 
                      2. A user can provide a single or list of serials in the form of an array in the powershell 
                      console or a user generated text file.
                      3. If the Serial Number entered does not correlate to an active local drive on the machine 
                      the user is prompted with an error message.
                      4. The Serials used in the examples for this parameter will cause the script to throw an error, 
                      unless a drive is found with a serial that matches.
SearchFiles           1. Searches the filesytem for the presence of Sogu log files.
                      2. Information for each file is saved as an object in a hashtable named output.
                      3. The output hashtable separates the file information based on the presence/absence of each Sogu log on disk.
                      4. The information collected by this option can be exported to log files for review.


Import module for use and display a list of Sogu file names generated based on local disk serial numbers.
PS> Get-SoguFileNames -ShowFileNames
Displays a list of Sogu file names based on a single serial number provided by the user.
PS> Get-SoguFileNames-CustomSerial AAAAAAAA
Displays a list of Sogu file names based on a list of serial numbers provided by the user in the powershell console.
PS> $Serials = @('AAAAAAAA','BBBBBBBB','CCCCCCCC','DDDDDDDD') PS> foreach($Serial in $Serials) { Get-SoguFileNames -CustomSerial $Serial }
Display a list of Sogu file names based on a list of serial numbers provided by the user in a text file.
PS> $Serials = Get-Content PS> foreach($Serial in $Serials) { Get-SoguFileNames -CustomSerial $Serial } 
  Searches the drives for files with the generated names and saves the output to a vatiable.
PS> $SoguFiles = Get-SoguFileNames -ShowFileNames-SearchFiles

The following commands explain how to display the output or pipe the data to a log file.

Displays the "FilesFound" output from the $SoguFiles variable created in the example above.
PS> $SoguFiles.FilesFound 
  Displays the "FilesNotFound" output from the $SoguFiles variable created in the example above.
PS> $SoguFiles.FilesNotFound
Export the "FilesFound" output from the $Sogufiles variable to a log file.
PS> $SoguFiles.FilesFound | Out-File -FilePath \.txt
Export the "FilesNotFound" output from the $Sogufiles variable to a log file.
PS> $SoguFiles.FilesNotFound | Out-File -FilePath \.txt
 The powershell output:
Drive D: (801221BF) ------------------------------------------------------
Type1 CC VictimID       HD Serial 801221BF   Filename: qcrugzwgvzacyug
Type1 CX ConfigBlock    HD Serial 801221BF   Filename: vtzxxqtzff
Type1 KL KeylogCache    HD Serial 801221BF   Filename: bnpnzw
Type1 HZ LearnedProxies HD Serial 801221BF   Filename: rmvfafwy
Type2 CC VictimID       HD Serial 801221BF   Filename: qwxfxwmgweywtbv
Type2 CF ConfigBlock    HD Serial 801221BF   Filename: nvponiqvlfnx
Type2 KL KeylogCache    HD Serial 801221BF   Filename: bhrgxm
Type2 HP LearnedProxies HD Serial 801221BF   Filename: blukacjozrqzpskuxh 
The Detection Tool for PlugX Malware (Technology) is a work developed by
 the U.S. Government Agency and its contractors and provided to the 
Department of Homeland Security, Office of Cybersecurity and 
Communications (CS&C). Pursuant to Federal Acquisition Regulation, 
the United States. Pursuant
to Federal Acquisition Regulation, the United States Government  has 
unlimited rights in the copyright in the Technology,
which is sufficient to allow end users to download, access, install, 
copy and use the Technology for its intended purpose. 
The Technology is subject to United States Copyright law. 

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