Persuasive Communications.
All communications systematically conveyinformation and impressions directly to allinvolved. Personal conclusions that result willinteract with individual perceptions to changeor reinforce attitudes and behaviors.
Command Disruption.
directly interferes with thecapabilities of an opponent to succeed incombat but also can have serious impactupon the opponent’s morale, cohesion,discipline, and public support essential toefficient operations.
Information Denial.
Competing partiescan systematically deny opponentsinformation they require to formulatedecisions. The Information SecurityProgram establishes procedures to protectclassified information and the OPSECprogram establishes measures to denyunclassified but sensitive indicators offriendly activities
Intelligence Shaping.
possible tosystematically convey and deny data toopposing intelligence systems with theobjective of causing opposing analysts toderive selected judgments.
judgmentsinteract with the perceptions of opposingplanners and decision makers to influenceestimates upon which capabilities, intentions,and actions are based
Dissemination Plan.
The dissemination plan must take into account the type of PSYOP product
A joint communications plan should be prepared to ensure thatcommunications systems are compatibleand adequate
The most numerous andgenerally useful means to conduct PSYOP areopen sources of information.
Dedicated personnel withadequate language and area expertise andresources are needed during MOOTW andwar to conduct theater, operational, andtactical PSYOP.
Inter-Service, Interagency.
The formation of an Office of the Secretary of Defense level inter-Service and, in some cases,interagency level committee may be necessaryto facilitate coordination
planning PSYOP for joint operations and planning for overt peacetime PSYOPprograms. Peacetime programs are planned inconsonance with the respective USAmbassador’s country plan and support nationalobjectives and policy. Plans for MOOTW andwar also support national objectives and policy,but generally have a different focus for PSYOPthan peacetime programs
MOOTW Involving the Use or Threatof Force. MOOTW involving the useor threat of force require the applicationof the diplomatic, military, economic,and informational instruments ofnational power.
PSYOP are directedtoward selected target audiences insupport of MOOTW to achieve the objectives
psychological media/ moyens psychologiquesThe media, technical or non-technical, which establish any kind of communication with a target audience.
psychological operation/ opération psychologiquePsyOpPlanned activities using methods of communication and other means directed at approved audiences in order to influence perceptions,
attitudes and behaviour, affecting the achievement of political and military objectives.
psychological operations approach/ forme d'opérations psychologiquesThe technique adopted to induce a desired reaction on the part of the target audience
psychological situation/ situation psychologiqueThe current emotional state, mental disposition or other behavioral motivation of a target audience, basically founded on its national political, social, economic, and psychological peculiarities but also subject to the influence of circumstances and events
psychological theme/ thème psychologiqueAn idea or topic on whicha psychological operation is based
rotective security/ sûreté1The organized system of defensive measures instituted and maintained at all levels of command with the aim of achieving and maintaining security
patrol/ patrouilleA detachment of ground, sea, or air forces sent out for the purpose of gathering information or carrying out a destructive, harassing, mopping up, or security mission.
open-source intelligence/ renseignement de sources ouvertesOSINTIntelligence derived from publicly available information, as well as other unclassified information that has limited public distribution or access
Approaches to verbal judo:
Avoidance - Recognizing a conflict early and heading it off before it becomes one.
Withdrawing - Retreating on a position temporarily until a more advantageoustime.
Deflecting - Changing the topic or focus of a conflict.
Compromise - Making a deal that's advantageous to both parties
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