Sunday, March 12, 2017

Orwell's 1984 finally here - Vault 7 revelation

‘We are looking at “1984”’

Annie Machon, former MI5 intelligence officer, recalled that “last year, there was the biggest botnet attack ever, which took down the Internet across Western America, then across Eastern America, and them across some of the Western Europe.”
"And this botnet was built on smart devices within people’s homes. Not their computers, not their phones, but on things like smart fridges, smart computers, that sort of thing, and smart televisions, as well. It is utterly feasible that all these devices have already been hacked and they are used to spy on us.”
“We are looking at the George Orwell “1984” novel where we have screens in our flats potentially watching us. I remember back in the 1990s, the capability was there to implant software onto primitive mobile phones, onto primitive computers, so that they could indeed be switched on to record and film us and log our keystrokes,” Machon said.
“However, back in those days, there was a notion of oversight, and there was a notion of targeted surveillance, which is what we need to prevent the bad guys doing bad things to us. And it was also very labor-intensive.  Because of the massive expansion of the Internet and technology, now they can do it on the industrial scale, which is what they seem to have developed. Which means that none of us has any inherent sense of privacy, unless we take quite extreme actions to protect our privacy even in our homes,” she added.
Machon warned the new technological realities “is very dangerous for fully functioning democracy. Because once you lose the sense that you have privacy to talk, to write, to watch, to read, then suddenly you might start self-censoring yourself in the sense that you inhibit what you do. So you can’t fully inform yourself, be fully informed participatory citizen in a democracy. It is a very dangerous path to go down.”

But anyway -- for me almost all the "files" made "public" shows no files at all :D So anyway, just for the chosen ones I suspect...

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