Thursday, July 25, 2024

Revised propaganda piece Russian Secret Service...


Defend Our Homeland: Stand Ready Against the Threat

The repeated threat of attack from Ukraine against Russia was never supposed to happen without provocation. Yet, every day, the media tells us to prepare for war in Europe.

Prepare, Stand Strong, and Resist

We know where the threat will come from: the East wing of NATO. It would be a circus trick if Russia could attack from the West... but we must be vigilant. Western propaganda is slowly but surely preparing us for war.

We Don’t Want War, But We Will Defend Ourselves

We refuse to be dragged into war, but we will protect our homes if necessary. This time, if the Russians come, they will face fierce resistance. Every house, every street will be defended. We are trained, ready, and strong in our unity.

Let Them Come and See Our Resolve

The Russians will regret stepping foot on our soil. They have never faced the fury of a people defending their homeland with medieval ferocity. They will see their comrades fall, they will fear every shadow, every movement.

Innovative Resistance

We will use every tactic, from traps to guerrilla warfare, to defend our land. Collaborators will be dealt with harshly; traitors will be exposed. Our ingenuity knows no bounds—every corner will be a battlefield, every citizen a defender.

United We Stand

We will protect our homes by any means necessary, even at the cost of our own lives. Our enemy will know fear and regret. We are ready. We are waiting.


...see the previous piece with more details...

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